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Case Study

Anti-Racism Campaign for Fingal CC

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As Ireland’s fastest-growing county, Fingal County Council (FCC) is committed to fostering not just economic and community development but an inclusive, welcoming environment for all. Recently, FCC’s People Services Division took an important step forward by launching an anti-racism campaign, reinforcing their vision of diversity and inclusion. This campaign built on FCC’s work with Barlo in their recent broader Employer Brand refresh, which positions Fingal as a top-tier employer in Ireland—appealing to a new generation of potential employees who value public service, inclusivity and ambition.

The Foundation: “Fingal Has It All”

At the heart of FCC’s Employer Brand is the message “Fingal Has It All”. It encapsulates the wealth of opportunities that come with working for the council, highlighting the county's dynamic services, scale, and growth potential. This tagline, used to draw in talent, speaks to the inclusive, ambitious environment that FCC strives to maintain.

When it came to developing an anti-racism campaign, the challenge was to extend this message in a way that felt cohesive with the Employer Brand while tackling societal issues head-on.

The result was the new headline:

Fingal Is Us All,
Growing Together, Thriving Together.

This line was crafted to highlight the strength of Fingal’s diversity, sending the message that every person, no matter their background, plays a vital role in the community’s collective progress.

The Power of the Headline:

The chosen headline, serves as a natural evolution of the Employer Brand programme. While “Fingal Has It All” emphasises the county’s offerings, this new line makes inclusion the centrepiece. It communicates that Fingal’s future success is dependent on everyone thriving and growing together—reinforcing that diversity is not just accepted but celebrated.

By connecting the anti-racism campaign with FCC’s Employer Brand messaging, the council reinforced its commitment to being a progressive, forward-thinking organisation. The message is clear: inclusion and growth go hand in hand, and this campaign is about bringing people together, creating an environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute.

The Creative Approach:

Visually, the anti-racism campaign maintained key elements from the Employer Brand’s creative foundation, ensuring a consistent look and feel. However, a fresh, vibrant colour palette was introduced to make the anti-racism message distinct while staying true to FCC’s overarching identity.

The headline is paired with an image of smiling, diverse children, which is powerful in its simplicity. The children represent hope for the future and reflect Fingal’s diverse community. Their smiles symbolize unity, friendship, and the potential for a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow. This imagery drives home the message that every individual contributes to the shared success of the Fingal community.

The colour choice of orange radiates warmth, energy, and optimism. It is bold enough to grab attention, ensuring that the anti-racism message is not lost or overlooked, but still integrates smoothly with the existing FCC brand visuals.

Bilingual delivery was another crucial aspect of the campaign. Fingal County has a significant Irish-speaking population, and delivering the campaign in both English and Irish reflected FCC’s commitment to preserving and promoting Irish culture while ensuring that their message of inclusivity reached every community member.

Campaign Delivery & Impact:

The outdoor campaign was widely visible in Fingal County. The response has been overwhelmingly positive. FCC staff felt pride in working for an organisation that was not just performing well in terms of service delivery, but also actively addressing important societal issues. The campaign’s messaging and visual identity connected strongly with both internal staff and the wider Fingal community.

Members of the public commented on how the campaign reinforced Fingal’s role as a forward-thinking county, focused on bringing its diverse residents together. Potential recruits also noted FCC’s efforts, recognising the council as a desirable employer that values inclusion and community.

The Bigger Picture:

This anti-racism campaign represents more than just a single initiative—it’s part of a broader commitment by Fingal County Council to position themselves as a desirable, inclusive employer. By tying the anti-racism message back to the Employer Brand, FCC demonstrated that their dedication to inclusion is woven into everything they do, from recruitment to community leadership.

Through a cohesive visual identity, strong messaging, and a bilingual approach, Fingal County Council successfully delivered a campaign that wasn’t just about standing against racism but about standing for something—unity, growth, and a future where everyone thrives together.

As FCC continues to grow and evolve, their focus on inclusivity, ambition, and community ensures they remain an employer and county that truly has it all.

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